How we got here…

We’re Matt and Nichole…hi! We met in March of 2023 at a karaoke bar. It’s totally cliché for me, my side of the story. I’d recently decided to start going out, checking out bars and having more fun with my girl friends after having been out of the “single life” for over 20 yeas. One Wednesday night, we went to a karaoke bar and I saw this man across the room, then he sang on stage and pretty much stole my heart. I just had this feeling about him. I wouldn’t say it was love at first sight, but it was something. I knew (and stated) in that moment that I wanted him to talk to me. He didn’t. I went home that night thinking of him and hoping I’d get a chance to meet him. The next week he wasn’t there so I figured I’d lost that chance but still asked the bartender about him and asked him to put in a good word for me. I was drunk. Another week passed and I didn’t go out so by the time I saw him again, it had been 3 weeks. My friend told me to talk to him, I refused. I decided, in that moment, I was going to revert back to the last time I dated, at 17, and act like a high school girl terrified of rejection. I’m not proud but its the truth. My friend intervened, ignoring my request that she didn’t, and introduced herself to him, asked if he was single, and then walked away. Knowing he was single, didn’t help. I was so scared to talk him. I’d been out to several bars, dinners, etc. and never had an issue talking or turning down a man. I wasn’t intimidated, but I also had never been interested in any man, until him. So when I went to the bathroom, my friend tired to motion to him to talk to me, he didn’t get it and it was a mess. He likes to refer to it as her own form of sign language. Regardless, we found ourselves outside later, chatting with some other bar patrons, and Matt wondered out. My friend introduced us, we talked the rest of the night until the bar closed, he walked me to my car (which my friend was driving), I kissed him goodnight (because I was drunk) and went home. He’d given me his number asking that I let him know when I got home. I did. He called me and we haven’t stopped talking since. It hasn’t been completely smooth sailing since then, there have been some hiccups and I’m sure there will be some more, but from day one there was a chemistry that turned into so much more. He became my best friend, a person I knew I could share everything with and enjoy every moment of it. We both found that we were in the same stage of life, almost grown kids, not great endings to long marriages, and a desire to see what else the world had to offer. Adventure intrigues us both, we both love to try new restaurants and foods, and we both want to see the world. Who better to do all of the things with than your best friend and partner in life?

So, join us on this journey as we do all the things, eat all the food, and go to all the places.